March 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
This month we celebrated Book week and raised money for the school library. Throughout the week the children took part in fun book related activities such as, designing and baking recipes linked to books and or characters. Tuesday, Pyjama day, was extra special and ended peacefully with staff reading bedtime stories to children after school. On Friday, we had an incredible World Book Day, sharing our passion and excitement for reading. The children and staff looked incredible dressed up in their character costumes. I was super impressed with all children who enjoyed telling me so much about their chosen character.
Thank you for all of your contributions we have raised £335 on the bake for books sale.
Friday 17th March is Red Nose Day! To raise funds for this charity, we are inviting children to wear red for the day for a coin donation. If you do not have red items, ordinary mufti will be fine! Please note that school will not be selling red noses.
Karen Armstrong
Headteacher, Jupiter Primary School
Latest news
New Event Dates -
Friday 17th March - Red Nose Day. Children to wear red for the day for a coin donation
Jupiter's Value focus for April is Responsibility
Responsibility is a really important value and at Jupiter we want to help our children to grow and develop this important life skill.
Some examples of behaviours that demonstrate this value are:
Making good decisions in our own behaviour
Taking responsibility for our learning
Asking when we need help
Being independent
Ensuring we bring the necessary belongings to school e.g. book bags, reading diaries, homework
Taking care to work hard
Being proactive – not stepping over litter, coats, etc.
Caring for others
Taking responsibility for our own health – physical, mental and emotional wellbeing
Caring for pets / family
Volunteering to do things in school, the community, etc.
Please could you discuss Responsibility with your children at home, and explore ways to reinforce it.
Jupiter Non-negotiables linked to Responsibility:
Responsibility: I will look after my learning environments and equipment.
I can choose resources that will help me with my learning.
I am in charge of my body, my words and my actions.
PTA - We need you!
A PTA is a Parent Teacher Association, an organisation with a mission to make the school a better place for children to learn. A PTA brings together parents, teachers and children to raise funds and strengthen the school community.
Jupiter currently does not have an actively running PTA
There are many reasons why you should join Jupiter's PTA. From making new friends and getting to know the school environment, organising and running school events, through to helping raise much needed funds and making a difference to the children and school community.
There is no expectation on any parent volunteer, any amount of time you can give to the PTA will always be well received.
If you are interested, please email the school at and we can then arrange a convenient time to gather parents together and start planning.
Diversity and Equality at Jupiter
At Jupiter, we believe that every child needs to see themselves represented. We are about to invest in more books with diverse characters and by a wider variety of authors.
Staff are ensuring that learning, classrooms and displays reflect and celebrate diversity in our school, whether this is race, disability, religion, gender or sexual orientation. It is so important that we have an open dialogue with children about differences and the fact that these differences make us all special.
Useful websites
Mind Hertfordshire Network CYP provides emotional wellbeing support for children and young people across Hertfordshire
Class blogs
Dates for your diary
Fri 10th March: Deer class assembly
Mon 27th March: Foxes class assembly
Fri 31st April: Break up for Easter Holidays 1.15pm - all year groups
Mon 17th April: INSET DAY
Mon 17th April: Reception allocation day
Tues 18th April: Children back to school
Mon 24th April: Yr 6 PGL assembly
Mon 1st May: Bank holiday - school closed
Mon 8th May: Bank holiday for King Charles III Coronation - school closed
Fri 26th May: Break up for half term
Mon 5th June: Children back to school