February 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a busy term so far with lots of fantastic learning and activities taking place, I have been super impressed in the writing and handwriting presentation seen in many pupils books. The children all thoroughly enjoyed 'Number day' where lots of counting and maths activities took place across the day.

Parent consultation evenings will be on Tuesday 12th March and Thursday 14th March. Further communication on how to book will be sent out after the February half term.

Please note change of date - Fri 15th Mar: Science gallery to parents at 3pm to 3.30pm

Throughout the Spring term your child will be taking part in road safety workshops. These workshops are delivered by Herts Council and will teach your child about being safe when crossing roads, safe travel in vehicles and keeping them safe when out in public.

Dacorum DSPL8 - Delivering Special Provision Locally are offering a course to parents/carers called ' Anxiety Unravelled' delivered by Bounce Forward. The course starts on 28th February 8-9pm for 3 weeks. This course is open to families in Dacorum to help you support your child with their anxieties. For more information on this course, please click the link below:

Anxiety Unravelled - Bounce Forward

To register your attendance for this course, please click the link below:

Webinar Registration - Zoom

Karen Armstrong
Headteacher, Jupiter Primary School

Latest news

Measles  - Following the recent rise of Measles cases in London and West Midlands, please find attached a letter from the Director of Public Health together some useful resources.

Measles cases in the UK have been rising since November 2023. While Hertfordshire has no outbreaks at the moment, we are close to London and the West Midlands where there has been a large rise in cases. The UK Health Security Agency has declared the increase in cases of measles a national incident (19 January 2024). There is the potential for cases and outbreaks in Hertfordshire as uptake of the Measles Vaccination (MMR) in the county is lower than recommended. Measles is a highly infectious viral disease that can have serious and sometimes fatal consequences. Measles spreads quickly from person to person, especially in schools. Spending more than 15 minutes in direct contact with someone infected with measles is sufficient to transmit the virus. A child with measles will infect almost all unprotected children they have contact with. Measles is spread through coughing and sneezing, close personal contact or direct contact with infected nasal or throat secretions. For more information about measles and the symptoms, see Measles - www.nhs.uk/conditions/measles/ 

If someone thinks they have measles they should not come into school or work for at least 4 days from when the rash first appears.

Can parents please check that your children are fully vaccinated. If anyone has missed one or both doses of the MMR vaccine, it is not too late to catch up. Parents are to contact their GP practice to book an appointment as soon as possible if they have missed either dose. The MMR vaccine is free on the NHS, whatever your age. Our best protection against measles is MMR vaccination and this will help stop outbreaks occurring in the community.

Thank you for your support

School Uniform 


Our new provider will be ready and taking orders from Wednesday 7th February 2024. 






01442 501 411

Book Week at Jupiter Primary from 12th February - 16th February

Our Book Fair will take place on Friday 9th, Monday 12th, Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th February in the lodge between 3:00 and 4:00pm. You will be able to pay with cash on the day, or scan a QR code to pay online. 

On Wednesday 14th February, children can wear pyjamas to school. Between 4:00-5:00pm we will be opening the school to host bedtime stories. Children, parents and siblings are invited back to school to listen to the teachers reading their favourite stories. We will be selling baked goods to raise funds to purchase new class story sets, please bring along some money. 

Friday 16th February: Dress up as a book character. This can be any character from any book! 

We have been hosting an art competition in school this week, winners will be receiving book fair vouchers in assembly on Monday to spend at the book fair. 

Dacorum Council - Community Safety Partnership Survey

Dacorum Community Safety Partnership wants to hear from residents, businesses, and visitors to understand your concerns and priorities for safety in Dacorum.

This quick online survey takes just minutes but your feedback is crucial in helping us make Dacorum a safer place for everyone.

What we want to know:

Closing date 11.59pm on Friday 1 March 2024.

Take the survey

Please only reply if you have information that the sender has asked for by tapping on this email address: wlo@herts.police.uk. If you want to discuss anything else or report a crime, please refer to the Police Contact Advice below.

Daniel McManus
Watch Liaison Officer
Email: wlo@herts.police.uk

Class blogs

Reception class blog

Read what's been happening in reception here

Year 1 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 1 here

Year 2 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 2 here

Year 3 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 3 here

Year 4 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 4 here

Year 5 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 5 here

Year 6 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 6 here

Dates for your diary

You will be pleased to hear that our Calendar on the school website is now working - please click on the calendar link at the bottom to access.

Tue 6th Feb: Safer internet day

Thur 8th Feb: Mental health day - Mindfulness assembly and workshops for pupils

Fri 9th Feb: Chinese New Year (class based activities)

Mon 12th Feb - Fri 16th Feb: Bake for books week and Book fair

Wed 14th Feb: children can wear pyjamas to school. Between 4:00-5:00pm we will be opening the school to host bedtime stories.

Thur 15th Feb: Show Racism the Red Card Workshops for years 5 and 6 pupils

Fri 16th Feb: Jupiter's book character dress up day

Mon 19th Feb to Fri 23rd Feb: Half term

Mon 26th Feb to 1st March: Bikability week for Year 5

Tues 27th Feb: Year 2 theme dress up day

Fri 1st Mar: Year Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - drama workshop

Mon 4th Mar: Ducks Class assembly to parents at 8.50am

Mon 11th Mar to Fri 15th Mar: Science Week

Tues 12th and Thur 14th March: Parent evenings

*Fri 15th Mar: Science gallery to parents at 3pm to 3.30pm - Change of date*

Fri 15th Mar: Comic relief day - wear red for coin donation

Mon 18th March: Swans Class assembly to parents at 8.50am

Mon 18th Mar to Fri 22nd Mar: Year 6 to PGL residential

Tue 26th Mar: School nurse for Year 6

Thur 28th Mar: School finishes at 1pm for Reception and KS1/ 1.15pm for KS2