January 2025

Dear Parent and Carer,

Happy New Year to all our families! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break and are ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that 2025 will bring. At Jupiter, we are committed to providing a supportive and enriching environment where every child can learn and succeed. We look forward to working with you over the coming months and seeing you at many of the planned school events.

This week we have reminded ourselves of our Jupiter Values: Respect, Resilience, Responsibility, Kindness, Curiosity and Aspiration and discussed how to be the best of ourselves and 'live' our values through the behaviours we display. We have also launched our new House Value Tokens to replace house points and also following pupil voice renamed our houses to the following:

Jupiter - Yellow (formerly Air)

Saturn - Red (formerly Fire)

Mercury - Green (formerly Earth)

Venus - Blue (formerly Water)

The colours of the houses have not changed.

We in school will do everything we can to help your child to do their best. Let us know if we can support you in any way. Remember we operate an open door policy – feel free to book an appointment with myself or your child’s class teacher if you have concerns or need support, help or advice. You can contact the school office in person at the main entrance or send an email to enquiries@jupiter.herts.sch.uk

Please click on the link below to view the 2025/26 term dates.

Karen Armstrong
Headteacher, Jupiter Primary School

Colder weather - be prepared

It is very likely that over the coming months we are likely to get more snow and rain. In preparation for this, can you please ensure that your child is well prepared when coming into school if it has snowed. The children often enjoy sometime outside when it snows. It is therefore important that all children have a suitable winter coat, and a change of wellington boots/ boots so they can go outside in the snow during a playtime, if it is safe for them to do so. I am sending this out now as I would not want to disappoint any children by keeping them inside when their peers are outside enjoying the snow.

Many items in school are not currently named. Please make sure all items are named, including coats, hats, gloves, PE Kits and Jumpers/cardigans, lunch boxes and water bottles


The school car park is for staff and those with disabled badges only.

Please park only in the marked bays and do not block other drivers or park/stop on the double yellow lines.

Our car park gates are currently not fully working and this is mainly due to people pushing them open and walking through the gate when they are closing. To ensure everyone is safe can you please enter the school site through the pedestrian gate and not walk through the car park gate.

Thank you

Attendance and Leave of Absence Policy  

A summary of the school’s Attendance and Leave of Absence Policy is available on the school website - Attendance and Absence Policy 2024

As you are aware the government changed penalty notices and fines which came into effect from 1st September. Please read the poster and policy for further details.

If you are intending to ask for leave of absence during term time for your child then please read this policy first.  

Attendance in school is really important. Being in school is important to your child's academic achievement, well being, and wider development.

Getting to school late can also mean your child misses out on important learning which could affect their achievement or they could miss social time with friends and the time to settle into class which can impact on their well being.

Class blogs - please read these each week to find out about the learning which is taking place in your child's class and for any upcoming learning/ events.

Reception class blog

Read what's been happening in reception here

Year 1 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 1 here

Year 2 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 2 here

Year 3 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 3 here

Year 4 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 4 here

Year 5 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 5 here

Year 6 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 6 here

Dates for your diary

Please see dates of trips and events by clicking on the link below

Please look on the website for term dates 2024/25

Please click this link to view the 2025/26 term dates on the school website - Dates 2025/26 

Dates and events for Spring term and Summer term are also on the website calendar.

Class assemblies to parents start at 8.50am