February 2025

Dear Parent and Carer,

It has been a busy half term so far, with assemblies, trips and amazing learning taking place across the school.

Our Learner Voice Council children and a group of children from KS2 visited Parliament, to learn all about British politics and get an insight into the workings of Parliament, visiting House of commons, House of Lords. They met our local MP, David Taylor and also spotted many other famous politicians, including Nigel Farage and Diane Abbotts.

As you are aware our Mindful coach Lucy Mortimer is at Jupiter every Thursday  supporting our children through mindful sessions and giving them strategies to try out at home and school. Last week on Thursday 30 January, Lucy hosted a parent workshop and shared some strategies for parents/carers and also time to just chat, ask questions over a cuppa. We are planning to host many more across the year so do look out for these events.

On Tuesday we say farewell to Miss Weight-Burton (Miss Bobbi), I know you will join me in thanking her for her support and hard work at Jupiter over the years. We wish Miss Weight-Burton all the best in her future endeavours.

Parent consultation evenings will be on Tuesday 4th March and Wednesday 5th March. Further communication on how to book will be sent out shortly.

Please remember that it is Number Day on Friday 7th February, your child is invited to dress up as a number, or simply wear a number on their clothes. There will be activities relating to number taking place for children to enjoy across the day.

Karen Armstrong
Headteacher, Jupiter Primary School

Book Week at Jupiter Primary from 10th February - 14th February

The Scholastic Book Fair will be set up in the Lodge, and open after school until 4pm on Friday 7th, Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th. On Wednesday 12th, the Book Fair will be moved to the library and open from 4-5pm. You will be able to pay with cash on the day, or scan a QR code to pay online. 

We would like to ask for your support in donating ingredients for baking, each class will need butter, caster sugar, plain flour, icing sugar and icing pens. If you are able to donate any of the ingredients then we will be collecting these on Thursday 6th February. 

On Wednesday 12th February, children can wear pyjamas to school. 

Between 4:00-5:00pm we will be opening the school to host bedtime stories. Children, parents and siblings are invited back to school to listen to the teachers reading their favourite stories. We will be selling baked goods to raise funds to purchase new class story sets, please bring along some money. 

Friday 14th February: Dress up as a book character. This can be any character from any book! 

All money raised throughout book fair will go towards buying books for our reading scheme as well as updating the library based on what the children would like to read. Please support us!

Online Safety - Whats App

Navigating social media and keeping your children safe online can be tricky at times. This resource below from NSPCC gives some excellent advice and tips for parents/carers. Please do click on the link below and have a read

Is WhatsApp safe for my child? NSPCC ADVICE 

Attendance and Leave of Absence Policy  

A summary of the school’s Attendance and Leave of Absence Policy is available on the school website - Attendance and Absence Policy 2024

As you are aware the government changed penalty notices and fines which came into effect from 1st September. Please read the poster and policy for further details.

If you are intending to ask for leave of absence during term time for your child then please read this policy first.  

Attendance in school is really important. Being in school is important to your child's academic achievement, well being, and wider development.

Getting to school late can also mean your child misses out on important learning which could affect their achievement or they could miss social time with friends and the time to settle into class which can impact on their well being.

Class blogs - please read these each week to find out about the learning which is taking place in your child's class and for any upcoming learning/ events.

Reception class blog

Read what's been happening in reception here

Year 1 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 1 here

Year 2 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 2 here

Year 3 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 3 here

Year 4 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 4 here

Year 5 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 5 here

Year 6 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 6 here

Dates for your diary

Please see dates of trips and events by clicking on the link below

Please look on the website for term dates 2024/25

Please click this link to view the 2025/26 term dates on the school website - Dates 2025/26 

Dates and events for Spring term and Summer term are also on the website calendar.

Class assemblies to parents start at 8.50am