July 2024

Dear Parent and Carer,

It was lovely to see so many families supporting pupils during the Sports days last week, we were blessed with lovely weather and the children thoroughly enjoyed the range of events. A special thank you to Mr Brown and Mrs Bonnick for organising the Reception and KS1/2 events and to Mr Oldham for his support.

Thank you to the PTA for organising a brilliant summer fair and to the many staff who came and supported, really appreciated.  It was amazing to see so many pupils and families out enjoying the stalls, events and sunshine. I think Mrs Crute-Mussell, Mrs Hyde and myself have just about dried off!

A huge thank you to Autotrader who paid £173 to go towards Reception attending their trip to the farm. Amazing contribution!

As we enter the last few weeks of the year, please keep checking any end of term emails and the calendar for end of term events and trips. 

Your child's end of year report will come home with your child on Wednesday 17 July.

Karen Armstrong
Headteacher, Jupiter Primary School

Read, Write, Inc - Ruth Miskin

We are delighted to announce that after a full 2 years of training, Jupiter has been recognised as a fully trained Ruth Miskin Read Write Inc. school.


If you have access to use the school car park, please drive carefully and respect other users of the car park. 


At Jupiter we are constantly being made aware of instances where children within our community are accessing online platforms and social media networks which is not suitable for their age and also contains extremely inappropriate content.

The latest viral trend we have been made aware of is especially alarming, as it encourages children to act in homophobic, prejudicial ways. This topic of prejudicial behaviour is area at Jupiter we are constantly talking to children about through assemblies, PSHE lessons.

The lastest trend is on TikTok and below I have outlined the brief details:

"English or Spanish?" Is the newest TikTok trend to highlight internalised homophobia.

The question, “English or Spanish?” has taken on a different meaning. Circulating throughout TikTok, there are videos of people asking “English or Spanish?” in which the person on camera then freezes. Depending on which language they choose, it then tells them, “Whoever moves first is gay,” and typically, they’ll just freeze.

As you will agree this is totally unacceptable behaviour. We encourage you to have open and honest conversations with your child at home.

It is also advisable to always check the security settings and age appropriate access levels your child/ren may have to ensure they are not accessing inappropriate content.

Class blogs

Reception class blog

Read what's been happening in reception here

Year 1 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 1 here

Year 2 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 2 here

Year 3 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 3 here

Year 4 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 4 here

Year 5 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 5 here

Year 6 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 6 here

Dates for your diary

Please see dates below which may be subject to change

Thur 4 June: Year 4 Egyptian Theme day. Parents are welcome to come and see work in the lodge from 2.30pm

Tues  9 July: Year 2 trip to Ruislip Lido

Wed 10 July:  Art day - activity carousels for pupils between R and KS1 and KS2

Thur 11 July: Transition ‘Moving Up’ Day for all pupils. 

Fri 12 July: Non uniform - Choir fundraiser for music resources

Mon 15 July - Year 6 production, afternoon performance at 2pm

Tues 16 July - Year 6 production, evening performance at 7pm at Adeyfield School

Wed 17 July: Year 6 trip to Mulligans for mini golf

Thur 18 July: Mindful Cuppa for parents/carers at 9am

Thur 18 July - Year 6 leavers disco 5pm to 7pm

Mon 22 July – Year 6 leavers assembly to pupils only at 9am

Mon 22 July  - Year 6 leavers assembly to parents at 2pm

Tues 23 July: School finishes at 1pm for Year Rec and KS1/ 1.15pm for KS2