September 2024

Dear Parent and Carer,

Welcome back to the new school year the children have settled really well and there has been fantastic learning taking place.

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday for meet the teacher at 3.15pm tp 3.45pm

Many parents last year kindly offered to pay donations for trips and events over and above the trip cost. This was very generous and warmly received and help to ensure that all pupils could gain from the experience of trips, visitors and enrichment activities. To make this process more streamlined we will be setting up donation pots within parent pay which you are more than welcome to contribute into at any point in the year.   Please note these 'donation payment items' are not in replacement of the trip/ event payments, which still need to be paid as previously.

Karen Armstrong
Headteacher, Jupiter Primary School


Below are some housekeeping reminders as we start the new school year.

Collecting your child/ren from school at the end of the day: 

Please collect from the following areas:

Years R, 1 and 2 – own classroom doors

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - MUGA playground

Key Stage 2 parents: Please wait for your child on the MUGA in the area before the steps. It is important that classes can walk in lines onto the MUGA and must not be collected by parents until the class is lined up and the teacher dismisses each child.

Please ensure that your child/ren are collected on time at the end of the school day from the allocated handover areas.

We kindly ask that children /siblings do not play on any of the play equipment at the end of the day.

(Year 6 children - please note that unless a walking home permission letter has been handed to the office your child must be collected from school and will not be allowed to walk home).


We have 6 values at Jupiter which we try to 'live out' on a daily basis and always remind ourselves how we can be the best we possibly can be. The values are incredibly important in supporting us during learning and play.

Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Curiosity, Kindness and Aspiration

Each one of the values is also linked to non-negotiables. Here are some examples below:

Respect:  I will keep my work tidy, neat and doodle free.

I will use my best manners when talking and listening, playing with other children and staff.


Resilience: I will try my best until I have completed the task.

I know that it is okay to get things wrong and ask for help.


Curiosity: I will be interested in my learning and think about how to solve a problem.

I will ask questions and share my ideas.


Kindness: I will offer help when someone is finding something difficult or they are hurt or upset.

I will make good choices.


Aspiration: I know I can achieve whatever I put my mind to.

I will aspire to make my work the best that it can be.


Responsibility: I will look after my learning environments and equipment.

I can choose resources that will help me with my learning.

I am in charge of my body, my words and my actions.


Please do talk to your child/ren at home and encourage them to be their very best

Attendance and Leave of Absence Policy  

A summary of the school’s Attendance and Leave of Absence Policy is available on the school website - Attendance and Absence Policy 2024

As you are aware the government changed penalty notices and fines which came into effect from 1st September. Please read the poster and policy for further details.

If you are intending to ask for leave of absence during term time for your child then please read this policy first.  

Attendance in school is really important. Being in school is important to your child's academic achievement, well being, and wider development.

Getting to school late can also mean your child misses out on important learning which could affect their achievement or they could miss social time with friends and the time to settle into class which can impact on their well being.

Supporting SEND and Well Being

Did you know:

One in five children and young people in England aged 8 to 25 had a probable mental disorder in 2023, a new survey shows. NHS England. 

Good mental health and well-being is paramount at Jupiter for our children. If your child ever expresses any worries, low confidence or low resilience, which they are finding difficult to manage, Mind Hertfordshire has lots of free support, including Lumi Nova: Tales of Courage, a digital therapy delivered through a fun and engaging mobile game to help 7-12 years olds.

We work across Hertfordshire to support positive mental health and wellbeing.  Our aim is to make sure that no-one has to face a mental health problem alone. 

Class blogs - please read these each week to find out about the learning which is taking place in your child's class and for any upcoming learning/ events.

Reception class blog

Read what's been happening in reception here

Year 1 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 1 here

Year 2 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 2 here

Year 3 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 3 here

Year 4 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 4 here

Year 5 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 5 here

Year 6 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 6 here

Dates for your diary

Please see dates of trips and events by clicking on the link below

Please look on the website for term dates 2024/25