Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for your parent survey responses. Next term you will be invited to attend a parent forum where we can discuss in more detail and share with you our plans and direction for Jupiter.
I would like to introduce Michael Murray , our new local PCSO. I reached out Michael a couple of weeks ago who has visited us and also has been visible this week outside school during school drop off time. I have scheduled for Michael to come and meet me in January to further discuss how he can raise awareness and support from the local authority regarding changes to make Jupiter Drive safer for all. Michael will also be talking with pupils in some planned assemblies about road safety in the Spring term.
Thank you to all who have been signing my petition and in particular I would like to thank Mrs Peterson who has also reached out to Mike Penning who has written letters to the local authority. Please do continue to share my petition as widely as you can.
We have also made some progress towards our renewed travel plan with Modeshift Stars. Thank you to Mrs Waters for leading on this. Mrs Waters is securing some more initiatives in school which will involve some more assemblies and training for our pupils. I will update you further in the New Year with the progress we are making.
You will be pleased to hear that our Calendar on the school website is now working - please click on the calendar link at the bottom to access.
I look forward to seeing you at many of the Christmas activities taking place over the last few days of the term. I hope you have a wonderful and peaceful Christmas and I look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 8th January 2024
Karen Armstrong
Headteacher, Jupiter Primary School
Latest news
Attendance and Leave of Absence Policy
A summary of the school’s Attendance and Leave of Absence Policy is available on the school website. If you are intending to ask for leave of absence during term time for your child then please read this policy first.
Preparing for bad weather
It is very likely that over the coming months it is likely to snow. In preparations for this, can you please ensure that your child is well prepared when coming into school if it has snowed. The children often enjoy sometime outside when it snows. It is therefore important that all children have a suitable winter coat, and a change of wellington boots/ boots so they can go outside in the snow during a playtime, if it is safe for them to do so. Please ensure all items are named. I am sending this out now as I would not want to disappoint any children by keeping them inside when their peers are outside enjoying the snow.
Class blogs
Dates for your diary
You will be pleased to hear that our Calendar on the school website is now working - please click on the calendar link at the bottom to access.
Monday 8th January: Children return for Spring term
Wed 10th Jan: Health screening for Reception children
Fri 12th Jan: Wonderdome workshops for Years 2 and 5
Fri 12th Jan: Magistrates workshop for Year 6
Mon 15th Jan: Owls Class assembly to parents at 8.50am
Fri 19th Jan: Year 3 Stone age workshop
Mon 29th Jan: Puffins Class assembly to parents at 8.50am
Fri 2nd Feb: Choir to Young Voices at Wembley
Fri 2nd Feb: NSPCC number day
Tue 6th Feb: Safer internet day
Fri 9th Feb: Chinese New Year (class based activities)
Mon 12th Feb - Fri 16th Feb: Bake for books week and Book fair
Fri 16th Feb: Jupiter's book character dress up day
Mon 19th Feb to Fri 23rd Feb: Half term
Fri 1st Mar: Year Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - drama workshop
Mon 4th Mar: Ducks Class assembly to parents at 8.50am
Mon 11th Mar to Fri 15th Mar: Science Week
Thur 14th Mar: Science gallery to parents at 3pm to 4pm
Fri 15th Mar: Comic relief day - wear red for coin donation
Mon 18th March: Swans Class assembly to parents at 8.50am
Mon 18th Mar to Fri 22nd Mar: Year 6 to PGL residential
Tue 26th Mar: School nurse for Year 6
Thur 28th Mar: School finishes at 1pm for Reception and KS1/ 1.15pm for KS2