September 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to the new school year. It has been wonderful to see all of our pupils again. The children have certainly come back looking energised and ready to learn.

Welcome to our new Reception children and their families, who start this week. I know they will settle in really well.

We in school will do everything we can to help your child to do their best. Let us know if we can support you in any way. Remember we operate an open door policy – feel free to book an appointment with myself or your child’s class teacher if you have concerns or need support, help or advice. You can contact the school office in person at the main entrance or send an email to

Please look at the diary dates below to make sure you have upcoming dates in your diaries. A date coming up next week on Wednesday 13th September is 'Meet the teacher'. This is an opportunity for you to come into school from 3pm, see your child's class and meet the teacher.

We wish all our new families a special Jupiter welcome and I am looking forward to seeing many of you at events over the course of the year.

Karen Armstrong
Headteacher, Jupiter Primary School


Below are some housekeeping reminders as we start the new school year.

Collecting your child/ren from school at the end of the day: 

Please collect from the following areas:

Years R, 1 and 2 – own classroom doors

Year 3 - Year 2 classroom doors

Years 4, 5 and 6 - MUGA playground

Please ensure that your child/ren are collected on time at the end of the school day from the allocated handover areas.

We kindly ask that children /siblings do not play on any of the play equipment at the end of the day.

(please note that unless a walking home permission letter has been handed to the office your child must be collected from school and will not be allowed to walk home).


Attendance and Leave of Absence Policy  

A summary of the school’s Attendance and Leave of Absence Policy is available on the school website.  If you are intending to ask for leave of absence during term time for your child then please read this policy first.    


I would like to extend a big welcome to our new member of staff – Miss Yearwood (Year 5 Class teacher) and also welcome our Trainee teacher - Miss Edmondson who will be training in Year 3.

They have both settled in very well and are happy to be part of our school community. 


I would also like to send my congratulations to Miss Hewitt on successfully completing her teacher training and gaining qualified teacher status.

Class blogs

Reception class blog

Read what's been happening in reception here

Year 1 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 1 here

Year 2 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 2 here

Year 3 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 3 here

Year 4 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 4 here

Year 5 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 5 here

Year 6 class blog

Read what's been happening in Year 6 here

Dates for your diary

The dates below are provisional and may be subject to change. There will be additional dates added in September to include specific events and year group activities.

Monday 4th Sept: School starts, children return Years R to 6. Gates open for soft start from 8.30am

Monday 4th Sept: Reception starts - 2 children every half hour over 2 days. All children are full time from Wednesday 6th (please refer to email communication for further details)

Wed 13th Sept - Meet the teacher *NEW EVENT* at 3.00

Thurs 14th Sept to 23rd Nov: Weekly sessions - Y6 WFC Positive Minds programme 2-3pm for pupils in school

Thurs 14th Sept: PGL parent evening at 5pm

Friday 22nd Sept at 11.45pm: New Reception - parent/carers welcome – Come and join your child/ren for lunch

Mon 25th Sept: Flu Vaccinations - All children

Mon 2nd Oct:  Kingfishers Assembly  

Tues 10th Oct: Parents’ Evening 15.30 – 18.30  

Wed 11th Oct: Parents’ Evening 16.00 – 19.00 

Mon 16th Oct: Otter’s Class Assembly

Thur 19th Oct: Children break up for half term 

Fri 20th Oct: INSET DAY

Mon 30th Oct: Children return to school  

Mon 6th Nov: Woodpeckers Assembly 

Wed 8th Nov: Open morning for new prospective parents. 9.15am in the Hall with Mrs Armstrong and to include a 9.30am Reception class tour 

Mon 13th November: Odd Sock day

Wed 15th Nov: Open morning for new prospective parents. 9.15am in the Hall with Mrs Armstrong and to include a 9.30am Reception class tour 

Thursday 16th Nov: Phonic talk for parents at either 2.30pm or 3.15pm

Fri 17th Nov: Children in Need Mufti day

Mon 27th Nov: Pine Marten’s  Class Assembly 

Tues 21st Nov: Photographer in – individual AND sibling photos  

Fri 1st Dec: Occasional Day – school closed 

Thur 7th Dec: Christmas Fair (times tbc)

Mon 11th Dec: 9.00am Reception Nativity dress rehearsal to school pupils only

Tues 12th Dec: 9.00am Reception Nativity performance to parents/carers

Wed 13th Dec: Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper day

Thurs 14th Dec: 2pm Reception Nativity performance to parents/carers

Tuesday 19th December: Carols on the Muga come and listen to us singing some carols from 2.30pm to 3.00pm

Wed 20th Dec: Break up for Christmas 1pm EY & KS1 /1.15pm KS2

Mon 8th Jan: Children return to school