Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to the new school term.
I am extremely pleased to announce the migration Jupiter has made to Google. We have purchased 120 pupil chromebooks and are also updating our wifi and phone line access. This will allow our pupils to access technology and use the internet to support their learning which has not been possible at Jupiter for some years.
The move to Google has also allowed us to improve our parent communication and means we are now using Arbor (MIS system) to be able to directly send emails. Please use the new email address if you need to communicate with anyone in school - This inbox is monitored daily and will be responded to within 5 working days.
As this email is new, please do check your spam and junk inboxes as the first email may go into these areas.
Face to face communication is always the best way to ensure matters are dealt with quickly and effectively. Please continue to speak to your child/s class teacher at the end of the school day if you need to raise or discuss anything. If the matter is urgent please call the school office directly.
I wish to thank you all personally for your patience during this period of transition.
I look forward to seeing you at many of the events and activities taking place over this term.
Karen Armstrong
Headteacher, Jupiter Primary School
Latest news
Value of the Month - Resilience
During the months of January and February, we are focusing on our school value – Resilience.
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from challenges and adversity. It's a skill that children develop as they grow and at Jupiter we believe it is important to give our children the tools and strategies they need to face everyday situations and become more resilient learners.
To support your child/ren we have a Mindfulness coach who comes into school every Thursday to offer sessions to many of our children, focusing on giving them the strategies to cope.
During this half term we have also booked workshops from the NSPCC and Dogs Trust.
Learner Voice Council
Last Tuesday a group of pupils visited Ascot Road Primary to take part in the LVC launch and took part in workshops around teambuilding, oracy, the LVC programme and teaching and learning.
The LVC is a group of pupils who work in partnership with teachers, the school and the Trust to improve teaching and learning within our school community.
Congratulations to Lucas, Richie, Keira, Harrison, Ethan, Mia, Isabella and Harlee who are part of the LVC team.
The LVC team at Jupiter have already chosen their mission which is to 'Improve our outside learning environment'.
The LVC pupils will meet and work with me on a regular basis to fulfil their mission and seek to make further improvements at Jupiter.
Online Safety
We have been made aware of pupils accessing Tik Tok and other sites which are not suitable for their age.
No primary age children should have their own account on Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat. The minimum age is 13.
The minimum age for WhatsApp is 16
It it also entirely inappropriate for primary age chidren to be creating and uploading their own content.
If your child has their own device, or access to older siblings technology, please ensure as parents you regularly monitor the browsing history and review the downloaded apps.
The following website is an extremely useful guide for parents.
Spring weather
As we look forward to Springtime it is also likely that we will have days which are cold, rainy and may even snow.
Can I please remind you to send your child/ren into school everyday with a named coat.
Class blogs
Dates for your diary
Monday 9th January: Children return for Spring term
Mon 23rd Jan: Y3 class assembly
Tues 24th Jan: Young Voices Choir trip
Thurs 2nd Feb: 5pm PGL parent information evening
Fri 3rd Feb: NSPCC Number Day - dress up as a number
Mon 6th Feb: Owls class assembly
Fri 10th Feb: Break up for half term
Mon 27th Feb: Puffin Class assembly
Tues 28th Feb: 3.30 - 6pm – Parent Evenings
Wed 1st March: 5.30 - 7pm – Parent Evenings
Fri 10th March: Deer class assembly
Fri 17th March: Mother’s Day assembly
Mon 27th March: Foxes class assembly
Fri 31st April: Break up for Easter Holidays 1.15pm - all year groups
Mon 17th April: INSET DAY
Mon 17th April: Reception allocation day
Tues 18th April: Children back to school
Mon 24th April: Yr 6 PGL assembly
Mon 1st May: Bank holiday - school closed
Mon 8th May: Bank holiday for King Charles III Coronation - school closed
Fri 26th May: Break up for half term
Mon 5th June: Children back to school