Dear Parents and Carers,
On Tuesday 24th January our school choir took part in an unforgettable experience, performing as part of the Young Voices in the O2 arena! The children were amazing and it was a culmination of a lot of hard work from both teachers and young people.
Last Friday we have celebrated Number Day and raised money for the NSPCC. The children arrived ‘dressed as digits’ and each class looked at the book ‘”How many jelly beans?” The children took part in fun, jellybean related Maths activities such as collecting data, estimating and finding fractions and percentages. Years 2 to 6 have also taken part in an inter trust competition on TT Rockstars. Thank you for all of your contributions we have raised £195 so far.
To prevent any further possible disruption due to industrial action we have moved the parent evening dates to now be on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th March. After half term the booking system will be open for you to book a time to meet your child's class teacher.
Please remember that half term is from 13th to 17th February. I wish you all a safe and restful half term break.
Karen Armstrong
Headteacher, Jupiter Primary School
Latest news
New Event Dates - Celebrating world book week
World Book Week is on Monday 27th February to Friday 3rd March.
On Tuesday 28th February we are asking all pupils and staff to wear their PJ's to school.
In the evening you are invited to back to school at 5.00pm to enjoy bedtime stories.
Thursday 2nd March is World Book day - come dressed as any book character.
After school on Thursday 2nd March we will be holding a 'Bake for Books' cake sale. If you would like to donate any cakes please send these into school on the morning of 2nd March
Jupiter Values and Non-Negotiables
The staff and pupils at Jupiter have been discussing how we can all 'live out' our school values on a daily basis and how the values support us all to be the best we possibly can be.
We have linked each one of values to non-negotiables which has been shared with every class and this has been shared with all pupils.
Below are some of the non-negotiables everyone is going to try their best at achieving:
Respect: I will keep my work tidy, neat and doodle free.
I will use my best manners when talking and listening, playing with other children and staff.
Resilience: I will try my best until I have completed the task.
I know that it is ok to get things wrong and ask for help.
Curiosity: I will be interested in my learning and think about how to solve a problem.
I will ask questions and share my ideas.
Kindness: I will offer help when someone is finding something difficult or they are hurt or upset.
I will make good choices.
Aspiration: I know I can achieve whatever I put my mind to.
I will aspire to make my work the best that it can be.
Responsibility: I will look after my learning environments and equipment.
I can choose resources that will help me with my learning.
I am in charge of my body, my words and my actions.
Mental Health
It is Children's Mental Health week on 6th February to 12th February. All classes will be talking about and enjoying activities throughout the week to promote and support better mental health.
Our Mindfulness coach, Lucy Mortimer will also be delivering a whole school assembly to all children on Thursday 9th February.
As parents and carers, you play an important role in your child’s mental health. The website link below will take you to some great resources to use in your family.
E-safety week
On Tuesday 7th February we celebrated Safer Internet Day 2023. Safer Internet Day is a global campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology.
Using the internet safely and positively is a key message that we promote in school, and celebrating Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity for us to re-emphasise the online safety messages we deliver throughout the year. We will be celebrating the day in school through a number of activities within class.
We would be delighted if you could join us in celebrating the day by continuing the conversation at home. To help you with this, the UK Safer Internet Centre have created some free activities and information for parents and carers which are available at:
If you have any concerns or questions about keeping your child safe online, please do get in touch with your child’s class teacher/myself or Mrs Waggeh, our Designated Safeguarding Person/Lead.
Kind regards,
Miss Walsh
Online Safety Lead
Gates and school car park
During the February half term new electronic gates are being installed to both the car park and pedestrian gate.
This has been long awaited and will increase the safety of our pupils.
The staff car park is only for use by school staff and those with disability parking permits. The school office will be in contact with you after February half term to request proof and explain how access will be permitted.
Useful websites
Mind Hertfordshire Network CYP provides emotional wellbeing support for children and young people across Hertfordshire
Class blogs
Dates for your diary
Monday 9th January: Children return for Spring term
Mon 23rd Jan: Y3 class assembly
Tues 24th Jan: Young Voices Choir trip
Thurs 2nd Feb: 5pm PGL parent information evening
Fri 3rd Feb: NSPCC Number Day - dress up as a number
Mon 6th Feb: Owls class assembly
Fri 10th Feb: Break up for half term
Mon 27th Feb: Puffin Class assembly
Tues 28th Feb: Wear your PJs to school
Thurs 2nd March: World book day - come dressed as a book character
Thurs 2nd March: after school - 'Bake for Books' cake sale
Tues 7th March: 3.30 - 6pm – Parent Evenings (change of date)
Wed 8th March: 5.30 - 7pm – Parent Evenings (change of date)
Fri 10th March: Deer class assembly
Fri 17th March: Mother’s Day assembly
Mon 27th March: Foxes class assembly
Fri 31st April: Break up for Easter Holidays 1.15pm - all year groups
Mon 17th April: INSET DAY
Mon 17th April: Reception allocation day
Tues 18th April: Children back to school
Mon 24th April: Yr 6 PGL assembly
Mon 1st May: Bank holiday - school closed
Mon 8th May: Bank holiday for King Charles III Coronation - school closed
Fri 26th May: Break up for half term
Mon 5th June: Children back to school