21st July 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to begin by saying a big thank you for your continued support and warm welcome I received this year.
I feel extremely privileged and proud to have joined Jupiter this year and to be working alongside very special and talented individuals (pupils, parents and staff team). As we come to the end of this academic year I am delighted by everything we have achieved, there have been many successes and achievements to celebrate and many happy memories, including the most recent Year 6 performance of 'Shakespeare Rocks' - what an amazing show. Well done to all pupils, it was spectacular.
At Jupiter, we recognise that to be successful in school, our children need support from both home and school. I am looking forward to continuing on this journey next year and working in partnership with you as parents to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential.
A final word for our pupils: Just remember that school is about learning, not only the subjects and facts but also learning about yourself; having good values and behaviours and the skills you learn that will create a great future for you. Thank you for all your hard work throughout the school year and upholding our school values. I am so honoured to be your headteacher; you make me proud.
Finally, goodbye and good Luck Year 6: Best wishes to our wonderful Year 6 pupils as they start the next stage of their educational journeys at secondary school. Remember: The most important thing is being passionate and always giving it your all. If at first you don't succeed, just remember the 'power of YET' and keep trying. That is the key to success! Be safe and be happy and please do keep in touch and come and visit at any time.
On Friday 1st September, school will be closed to all children for staff training. The new school year starts on Monday 4th September.
Please look below to find the provisional dates for the Autumn term 2023.
All the very best to you all and have a lovely summer break. I look forward to seeing you all in September.
Karen Armstrong
Headteacher, Jupiter Primary School
Jupiter is considering having their own school therapy dog
Jupiter would really like to have a school therapy dog and Miss Gillingham's 8 week old Kiwi (a black Labrador), has just started on this journey. There is still a lot of training required and Kiwi will be undergoing rigorous training and certification before being allowed to be enrolled as a member of Jupiter Primary.
There are huge benefits to having a school therapy dog. They support children in addressing their social and emotional learning needs in schools and help children feel and stay calm.
Socio-Emotional Benefits
Besides their training, therapy dogs bring their lovable and loving characteristics. These friendly companions are good listeners and offer great companionship and an audience to children without making any judgements. Children can bond readily with a therapy dog, feeling more connected and confident. Studies show that this helps reduce negative behaviour in children. Spending time with dogs also helps improve children’s mental well-being. Therapy dogs help children learn social skills, preventing social isolation. The relationships between the dogs and children will help develop trust in children, and therefore children are also more likely to develop a broader capacity for empathy.
Cognitive Benefits
Therapy dogs also contribute to cognitive development in children. Some of the key benefits of interacting with therapy dogs are as follows:
Improved reading skills
Enhanced executive-functioning skills
Stimulating memory and problem-solving skills
Studies show that the very presence of a therapy dog in an educational environment tends to improve the areas of attention, concentration, relaxation, and motivation. This helps in reducing stress levels that would otherwise affect proper learning.
Kiwi aged 8 weeks
Class blogs
Dates for your diary
The dates below are provisional and may be subject to change. There will be additional dates added in September to include specific events and year group activities.
Monday 4th Sept: School starts, children return Years R to 6. Gates open for soft start from 8.30am
Monday 4th Sept: Reception starts - 2 children every half hour over 2 days. All children are full time from Wednesday 6th (please refer to email communication for further details)
Wed 13th Sept - Meet the teacher *NEW EVENT* at 3.00
Thurs 14th Sept to 23rd Nov: Weekly sessions - Y6 WFC Positive Minds programme 2-3pm for pupils in school
Thurs 14th Sept: PGL parent evening at 5pm
Friday 22nd Sept at 11.45pm: New Reception - parent/carers welcome – Come and join your child/ren for lunch
Mon 25th Sept: Flu Vaccinations - All children
Mon 2nd Oct: Kingfishers Assembly
Tues 10th Oct: Parents’ Evening 15.30 – 18.30
Wed 11th Oct: Parents’ Evening 16.00 – 19.00
Mon 16th Oct: Otter’s Class Assembly
Thur 19th Oct: Children break up for half term
Fri 20th Oct: INSET DAY
Mon 30th Oct: Children return to school
Mon 6th Nov: Woodpeckers Assembly
Wed 8th Nov: Open morning for new prospective parents. 9.15am in the Hall with Mrs Armstrong and to include a 9.30am Reception class tour
Mon 13th November: Odd Sock day
Wed 15th Nov: Open morning for new prospective parents. 9.15am in the Hall with Mrs Armstrong and to include a 9.30am Reception class tour
Thursday 16th Nov: Phonic talk for parents at either 2.30pm or 3.15pm
Fri 17th Nov: Children in Need Mufti day
Mon 27th Nov: Pine Marten’s Class Assembly
Tues 21st Nov: Photographer in – individual AND sibling photos
Fri 1st Dec: Occasional Day – school closed
Thur 7th Dec: Christmas Fair (times tbc)
Mon 11th Dec: 9.00am Reception Nativity dress rehearsal to school pupils only
Tues 12th Dec: 9.00am Reception Nativity performance to parents/carers
Wed 13th Dec: Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper day
Thurs 14th Dec: 2pm Reception Nativity performance to parents/carers
Tuesday 19th December: Carols on the Muga come and listen to us singing some carols from 2.30pm to 3.00pm
Wed 20th Dec: Break up for Christmas 1pm EY & KS1 /1.15pm KS2
Mon 8th Jan: Children return to school